So It Begins

First of all, I am so glad that so many of you enjoyed the article I posted this morning.

While I was reading the comments today, I think was spot on:

First of all, the nutrition facts on a label DO NOT define it’s nutritional value. Some of the healthiest foods in the world are in fact the highest in fat and calories.

  • Salmon
  • Avocado
  • NUT BUTTER (and nuts)

Does that make them unhealthy?

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2011 Goals

Now that we are on the eve of 2011 (literally), it is time to start planning out what I want to accomplish next year.

I remember my first “real” New Years resolution. It was for the year 2007 and I vowed to give up soda for the rest of my life. This might not sound like a big deal, but for me at that time, it was a massive accomplishment!

When I was in junior high and high school, my normal breakfast was a bag of Doritos, a pack of pop tarts, and a Sunkist. Sometimes the pop tarts were exchanged for a cookie, but the Sunkist was essential. Back in the day, I probably had at least 3-4 a day MINIMUM. My addiction to soda started in around 7th grade, but lasted until I started eating healthier at some point during senior year of high school.

Since that day, I have not had a single drop of soda (regular and diet). The first few weeks were tough, but once February rolled around, I did not even think about it. Actually, right now I think soda is pretty disgusting and you could not pay me to drink it. Actually, it depends on how much you are paying me…

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