So It Begins

First of all, I am so glad that so many of you enjoyed the article I posted this morning.

While I was reading the comments today, I think was spot on:

First of all, the nutrition facts on a label DO NOT define it’s nutritional value. Some of the healthiest foods in the world are in fact the highest in fat and calories.

  • Salmon
  • Avocado
  • NUT BUTTER (and nuts)

Does that make them unhealthy?

Of course not. In fact, the extra fat makes them even healthier (and tastier to boot).

And another thing I want to touch on is that the healthiest foods for our bodies DO NOT have a nutrition label.

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Wild Seafood
  • Grass Fed Beef
  • Organic Poultry
  • Whole Grains
  • Coconut Oil

If you are looking for the healthiest foods, stick to the ones without a label. Jamie, you hit the nail right on the head!

Have you shared your thoughts yet?


Today marks a landmark in my academic career. Basically, it is the beginning of the end (the first day of my last semester).

I am really excited, but at the same time I am a little scared. I am so ready to move on to the next stage of my life (which I consider the “adult” stage), but it is scary not knowing exactly what is in store for me.

Did you ever experience this? How did you get through it?

I started my first day back bright and early at 5 AM. I had planned on going to spin at 6 AM with my friend , but the class was full 

I even got there 15 minutes early (I wanted to warm up a little bit), but all of the passes were taken. Normally, I never have a problem getting in, but I guess people are starting their “New Years Resolutions” now that school has started. While I am proud that they are making an effort, I know that things will die down within a week or so.

At least I can spin anytime I want 

Instead of spinning, I went upstairs and worked out on the cardio machines. It was 20* outside and I didn’t have any cold weather gear, so I had to make due with the elliptical and the treadmill.

Wednesday Workout

Running: 60 minutes of speedwork on the treadmill (8.2 miles; 7:19 pace)

Elliptical: 30 minutes (warm up and cool down)

Today was my first attempt at speedwork in God knows how long.

Speedwork is something I normally dread and I make myself do it every once and awhile because I know it is good for my fitness. I never have a problem with motivating myself for a long run, but speedwork is just mentally tough for me.

This morning, I hopped on the treadmill and just tried to zone out to my music for an hour. I set the incline at 1% and increased my pace from 8:00 to 6:13 over the course of an hour. Whenever the song changed, I increased the speed slightly. Breaking the workout down by each song really helped me to stay focused on just that one segment. Instead of focusing for an hour, it was like focusing for ~3:00 minutes several times.

If you need help with staying sane on the treadmill, give this workout a shot and I bet it will help.

How do you stay focused on the treadmill? Or do you just not do it?